Dear Parents and Students, 

We are super excited for the 2024-2025 school year.  We believe that students are being led to VCS from across the Tulsa area.  It has been great to see students at the Summer workouts, preparing for next year.  We want to encourage our students to continue to work out their brains as well through our Summer Reading Program.   




Studies have proven that continuing to read or be read to is very important. There are many reasons to read: to learn something new, to keep reading skills sharp, and to dream, to laugh, to wonder, and to grow.  

Reading helps: 

  • Improve vocabulary 
  • Lead to better comprehension 
  • Develop critical thinking skills 
  • Improve memory 
  • Improve results at school 
  • Improve analytical skills 
  • Build confidence 
  • Improve writing skills 
  • Improve concentration and focus 


We’ve been praying and getting ready for you.  We can’t wait to see you in August! 

Dan Donohue/Upper School Principal  


9th Grade Reading

9th grade English: Lord of the Flies

9th grade Honors English: - Lord of the Flies and Rasin in the Sun

There will be a test over the assigned readings once school resumes.

10th Grade – English & World Literature Honors

World Literature 10th grade English and Honors English 10 will be reading the novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel over the summer. Although there won’t be a summer project over the novel, both classes will be given a multiple-choice assessment over the basic plot and characters 2-3 weeks after school begins.

Discussion Topics/Questions 

All of the following questions should be answered FULLY. Pull from the book, quote Wiesel’s writing, develop a full thought. 


  1. Make a list of the incidents that foreshadow the dangers that are coming to the people of Sighet. Explain why you believe the people of Sighet, including Eliezer’s family, do not believe that they are in danger.


  1. Explain Wiesel’s purpose in including Madame Schächterin the memoir. What function does she serve? 


  1. Throughout the memoir, Wiesel uses time to pace the story. In fact, on several occasions he refers to Jewish holidays. How do the Jews in the concentration camps attempt to observe their religion in spite of the brutality they face on a daily basis? 


  1. Discuss Eliezer’s character and the transition he makes from the young boy in Sighet to the man who is liberated.


  1. Elie Wiesel’s story does not focus solely on the negative images of the concentration camp. At certain points in the memoir, he writes about events that gave him hope.


  1. Chronicle both the events and emotions that led Eliezer to wish for death and those that encouraged him to keep fighting to live.


  1. Compare the language in the first half of the memoir with the language in the second half. How does the language illustrate the characters physical and emotional changes? You may address other characters, such as Eliezer’s father and the other prisoners.


  1. Wiesel describes people who give up hope during their time in the concentration camp. Find examples of passages that illustrate the reasons why people choose to lose hope. Why are some people able to persevere and others not?


  1. How does Wiesel demonstrate the dark side of human nature, in both the German soldiers and the Jewish prisoners? Describe the rhetorical and narrative techniques that he uses.


  1. How does Wiesel’s relationship with God change throughout the memoir?


  1. Analyze the relationship between Eliezer and his father. Be sure to cite instances that demonstrate a shift in the relationship.


  1. The title of this memoir alludes to one of the themes present in the memoir. Trace scenes of  darkness and light as they occur. Note the conflicts and emotions that are developed in each scene. Explain how the title relates to these scenes and how it functions as a theme. 


  1. Discuss whether or not this memoir can be read as a narrative about the loss of faith.14.Animalimagery is used throughout the memoir. Trace the appearance of the imagery and what it comes to symbolize.


  1. Complete a detailed character analysis of Eliezer. Indicate both his actions and his motives. Also, point out his state of mind and what significant actions of his own, or others, affected it.


  1. Discuss how Elie Wiesel’s life is represented through Eliezer.


  1. Explain the function of violence, as it occurs in the memoir, as it relates to both the prisoners and the guards. Discuss whether or not you believe Eliezer was able to abstain from the brutality.

American Literature – 11th Grade

11th Grade American Literature 

 This summer, you will be reading the novel “The Call of the Wild” by Jack London. Although there won’t be a summer project over the novel, you will be given a multiple-choice assessment over the basic plot and characters once you get back to school. Additionally, you will be given a novel essay assignment, which will be due not too long after the start of the new school year. You may go to the library or go online to get a copy of the following book, “The Call of the Wild,” and begin reading as the novel must be read by the start of school.


AP English Language and Composition – 11th Grade

AP English Language and Composition
Over the course of summer break, you will be reading the novels “An American Childhood” by Annie Dillard and “The Road from Coorain” by Jill Ker Conway. Although there won’t be a summer project over the novels, you should have your favorite chapter in each book selected and be ready to share why these are your favorite chapters in preparation of your novel essay assignment, which will be due not too long after the start of the new school year. We will thoroughly discuss the details of this assignment upon your return to school. You may go to the library or go online to get a copy of the following books and begin reading as these novels must be read by the start of the new school year. Remember, you only need to read them and be able to discuss why the chapter you choose in each book is your favorite.

British Literature – 12th Grade


Welcome to British Literature! This summer you will be reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. As you read through the correspondence of two demons keep in mind that “There are two equal and opposite error into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors…”(Lewis Screwtape letters: preface).  Be sure to read the preface of the novel! 

We will be tracing the thread of the truths found in this novel throughout the centuries of British literature that we will read this year. Read thoughtfully and choose one of the assignment choices below:  

  1. Illustrate in a comic book style one of the concepts of how Satan deceives people presented in the novel by the demons. If you do not feel strong in your artistic abilities then this assignment is not for you (no stick figures). This should be well done with a paragraph of 5-7 sentences of thoughtful explanation attached.  
  1. Create a series of correspondence letters between two angels (research biblical angel names) countering those of the demons. What are the many ways that God leads us to his truth? Use scripture to support each correspondence.  

There are free online and audio options for this book. This assignment is due upon your return to school. There will be a test over the novel.  

Ms. Reed

AP Literature – 12th Grade


Welcome to AP Literature! This summer you will be reading two key novels that will aid you in passing your AP Lit exam. Your first novel will be Wuthering Heights, an 1847 novel by Emily Brontë, and complete the “Quotes Project”.  

For your second novel you may choose between Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë to complete the “Body Biography” assignment.  

There will be a test, your assignments are due upon your return to school. 

Have a great summer reading poolside! 

Mrs. Prout


It's time to re-enroll for the 2025-2026 school year!
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