Fall Sports Night

Honoring Seniors in Football, Cheer, Cross Country and Band

FOOTBALL vs Kansas

Victory Christian School, 7700 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74136, USA 6101 S Lewis Ave, United States

FOOTBALL at Kiefer

Kiefer High School, 4600 151st St, Kiefer, OK 74041, USA 700 151st St, United States

GBB at Inola Tournament vs Inola

Inola High School, 420 E Commercial St, Inola, OK 74036, USA 100 E Commercial St, United States


It's time to re-enroll for the 2025-2026 school year!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to have your enrollment fees waived by completing your students enrollment between January 17th - January 27th! This is a savings of $199 per student!

Login to your FACTS Family Portal and click on Apply/Enroll!